Arrumando a casa em 20 minutos
A melhor parte do post How to clean your home in 19 minutesso site CNN é a que fala como arrumar o quarto em 6 minutos e meio por dia:
Bedroom, 6 ½ minutes daily
Make your bed right before or after your morning shower. A neat bed will inspire you to deal with other messes immediately. Although smoothing sheets and plumping pillows might not seen like a high priority as you're rushing to work, the payoff comes at the end of the day, when you slip back under the unruffled covers.
• Make the bed (two minutes).
• Fold or hang clothing and put away jewelry (four minutes).
• Straighten out the night-table surface (30 seconds).
Pra quem não entendeu :
- Arrume a cama (2minutos);
- Dobre e pendure suas roupas e retire as bijuterias da cama(4 minutos);
- Endireitar o criado mudo do quarto (30 segundos);
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